Instruction for Contributors
and Manuscript Submission
(All papers will be double-blind reviewed and accepted papers will be
published in the conference proceedings)
Please note: At least one author of an
accepted paper must register and attend the AIB-U.S. Midwest Chapter conference.
You must register for the conference by the Proceedings Submission deadline to
keep the paper on the conference panels and to have it published in the
Submitting Your Paper/Proposal
Submission should be:
1. For papers (scholarly research): Electronic and in Microsoft WORD only (see
Manuscript Instructions for
Authors for format requirements)
2. For proposals for
Panels and Symposia: Proposals should not exceed 4 pages,
single-spaced and include a short bio on each presenter, purpose of panel and summary of
what each presenter will contribute.
Evaluating Your Paper
Evaluation of Papers (scholarly research)
Reviewer Evaluation
Criteria: These criteria will be used by reviewers to evaluate your paper. Only the
comments provided by the reviewers in the COMMENTS box (Criterion #11) will be forwarded to the
Preparing your accepted paper for
publication in the Proceedings
Accepted Papers for Proceedings
Authors whose papers have been
accepted for the Conference will have an opportunity to revise their papers
before finalizing them for the Proceedings. Revisions (if any) will be
based on feedback/comments from reviewers (unidentified), as described above.
"Camera-ready" papers should comply with the required manuscript format
guidelines and submitted to the Program Chair on or before the stipulated
Proceedings Submission deadline. Papers exceeding 10 pages (single-spacing) in length will
be subject to a page-overage charge at the rate of U.S. $20.00 per page for
publication in the Proceedings. When submitting the FINALIZED (revised, if
applicable) accepted paper for the Proceedings, authors must remove all
page numberings from the document. These instructions and other
information will be transmitted to the principal author at the appropriate time.
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